This contemporary dance workshop will focus on developing awareness in the way we articulate our bodies. We will explore three volumes: the hips, the rib cage and the head. The aim is to understand, feel and sense how these body parts come together and connect; to release unnecessary tensions and find ease in movement.
The first part will consist in stretching, placement and posture exercises based on my experience in contemporary dance and different types of body work such as Klein technique1, Alexander Technique2 and Body-Mind Centering3.
The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to approaching dance by identifying different body systems and working with specific improvisational tools to challenge/undo habitual movement patterns.
The second week end will be a buildup on the first and will focus on ways to observe and perform dancing.
Limited to 12 people. You can participate to one or two weekends. Once you commit, it is preferable to take a full weekend.
*These workshops are addressed to dancers and movers regardless of the style they practice.
Fees: 50$ / Or daily Lebanese pound rate for the whole sessions. 30$ for 2 sessions.

For reservation, contact us on:
Whatsapp: 00961-70390608
Or contact us via our social media platform.
Or via email:
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